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Novelists on the novel by Miriam Allott

Novelists on the novel Novel by Miriam Allott
There is plenty of support from other novelists for Hardy’s account of the ‘real, if unavowed, purpose of fiction’ that is, ‘to give pleasure by gratifying the love of the uncommon in human experience’ and for his argument that this purpose will be best realized when the novelist persuades the reader of the ‘truth’ of his characters. The novelist’s natural desire to indulge our sense of wonder is modified by his knowledge that he must also compel our assent ‘we must first believe before we can be affected’, says Hurd in his Letters on Chivalry1 and so, whenever he is drawn into a discussion about the question of probability, a harassing problem troubling the artistic conscience ever since Aristotle, the novelist’s argument usually proceeds from the value of ‘the marvellous’ to the necessity of maintaining verisimilitude and consistency in his characters’ behaviour. He gives special emphasis to these ideas when he is conscious of evolving a new kind and is not yet quite certain of where he stands in relation to existing forms of narrative such as Epic or Romance.

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He tries, without perhaps much success, to persuade his readers of the truth of his characters by making them behave ‘as it might be supposed mere men and women would do’ when confronted with a giant in armour or a statue bleeding at the nose. His admirer, Clara Reeve, seeks to follow his example in The Old English Baron: A Gothic Tale (1778). Another eighteenth-century novelist, Richard Cumberland, believes that the author may travel a good distance into ‘the fields of fancy’ for his own and his reader’s enjoyment, but he tries not to make his characters behave unnaturally: although events ‘closely bordering on the marvellous’ call for heightened effects in character-drawing, there are limits which are not to be transgressed.

Detail Buku:

Judul         : Novelists on the Novel
Penulis      : Miriam Allott
Edited       : C. George Sandulescu and Lidia Vianu
Penerbit     : -
ISBN         :  978-606-8592-40-4
Tebal         :

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