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Exit West by Mohsin Hamid

Exit West by Mohsin Hamid

NOT LONG AFTER NOTICING THIS, Saeed spoke to Nadia for the first time. Their city had yet to experience any major fighting, just some shootings and the odd car bombing, felt in one’s chest cavity as a subsonic vibration like those emitted by large loudspeakers at music concerts, and Saeed and Nadia had packed up their books and were leaving class. In the stairwell he turned to her and said, “Listen, would you like to have a coffee,” and after a brief pause added, to make it seem less forward, given her conservative attire, “in the cafeteria?” Nadia looked him in the eye. “You don’t say your evening prayers?” she asked. Saeed conjured up his most endearing grin. “Not always. Sadly.” Her expression did not change. So he persevered, clinging to his grin with the mounting desperation of a doomed rock climber: “I think it’s personal.

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THE NEXT DAY, at work, Saeed found himself unable to stop thinking of Nadia. Saeed’s employer was an agency that specialized in the placement of outdoor advertising. They owned billboards all around the city, rented others, and struck deals for further space with the likes of bus lines, sports stadiums, and proprietors of tall buildings. The agency occupied both floors of a converted townhouse and had over a dozen employees. Saeed was among the most junior, but his boss liked him and had tasked him with turning around a pitch to a local soap company that had to go out by email before five. Normally Saeed tried to do copious amounts of online research and customize his presentations as much as possible.

Detail Buku:

Judul         : Exit Wets
Penulis      :
Penerbit     : Riverhead Books
ISBN         :9780735212183
Tebal         :

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